From the World Digital Library (WDL) website:

The World Digital Library (WDL) is a project of the U.S. Library of Congress, carried out with the support of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), and in cooperation with libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations from around the world.

The WDL makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from all countries and cultures.

The principal objectives of the WDL are to:

  • Promote international and intercultural understanding;
  • Expand the volume and variety of cultural content on the Internet;
  • Provide resources for educators, scholars, and general audiences;
  • Build capacity in partner institutions to narrow the digital divide within and between countries.

Visit the World Digital Library website for more information.

Tomado de la página web de la Biblioteca Digital Mundial:

La Biblioteca Digital Mundial pone a disposición en Internet, de manera gratuita y en formato multilingüe, importantes materiales fundamentales de culturas de todo el mundo.

Los objetivos de la Biblioteca Digital Mundial son:

  • Promover el entendimiento internacional e intercultural;
  • Ampliar la cantidad y la variedad de contenidos culturales en Internet;
  • Facilitar recursos a los educadores, estudiosos y el público en general;
  • Permitir a las instituciones asociadas reducir la distancia digital dentro de y entre los países.

Visite la página web de la Biblioteca Digital Mundial para más información.